Wednesday, July 25, 2012


If you're one of my close friends, you should know that I've been going through a bout of depression and self loathing.
Which I'm glad to say I'm slowing getting out of.
The stress and poor results were getting to me.

There is something that makes me very, very angry about teachers.
Some teachers take a very high moral ground, which could be well justified given that they are much more experienced in life and are simply older.
But so what? There are definitely things that I, or the current generation, have went through which teachers have never experienced nor can relate to, so how does that even make him more of a person than me?

It is frustrating, I emphasize frustrating, that the only control teachers have over us, are our grades.
And let me tell you, they abuse it.
They really do because if that's the only power they have over us.
And you can mull over an assignment or project for weeks and months and do they give a fuck?
They give you a B or C or a U, because they can.
Because the power they have here is unquestionable.
Because their marking is always right.

They love smart students, who doesn't?
But will never admit it.

They never want to see us fail.
Honestly, sometimes I think, Yes. Yes, they do.

Because any form of manipulation is gratifying.

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