Wednesday, July 18, 2012

8 things

1. Life is unfair. Extremely unfair.

2. There are many freaks in this world.
( I saw someone in my school who walks around balancing his pencilbox on his head )

3. Parents should stop comparing me to others (or say I'm unappreciative cos you never really showed me you cared for my existence anyway) because I can easily compare them with many other parents I admire.

4. If you want something from me, ask. If I don't offer, it's because something has a sentimental value to me and it goes beyond my selfishness or anything like that. But if you ask nicely, I would usually still share it at least.

5. I need to stop having dreams that stay on my mind the entire day or makes me feel as if I've ran a marathon.

6. I secretly love my Dad working at Xerox.

7. I am trying to keep it together.

8. I always look for encouragement or little gifts (even something small like an Oreo cookie or cheese tofu) cos it truly brightens my day and helps me pull through awful days.

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