Friday(night): Hardly slept.
Saturday: Woke up @ 8 for Sat touch. Extremely tiring game. About to zonk out @ 5 when I remembered I had to make shortbread for B. Made all night long, too freaking tired @ 11. Knock out @ 11pm. Woke 11.45pm and I can't sleep anymore for the rest of the night.
Sunday: Kept myself busy, insisted on no naps so that I can sleep soundly @ night. Didnt work, tossed and turned all night. Tell B I'm an insomiac @ 5. Went to my brother's bed to sleep. Couldn't and came back to my room @ 6.
Monday: Up by 9, had breakfast & done by 10. Here I am @ 10.08am blogging,
I am tired inside out and it's SO FRUSTRATING I WANT TO KILL MYSELF FUCK
Crunchy passed away today too, and I did not see it coming at all.
It had been so happy eating his nuts and mouthfulls of bread everyday. The only puzzling thing was C was so tired two days back, so much so that it falls asleep even on our hands.
I'm upset but not distraught because Crunchy left so happy and in peace. It was a short two years but I enjoyed every day of my little angels company.
I am not exaggerating when I say my life is going downhill.
Today, I lost Munchy.
Munchy, I knew your days were numbered bcos you fell ill. You grew so thin and frail. But, I prayed every night that you'll get better.
Only you didn't. Your white coat of fur shed so much till I could see your pink body. Your legs were so weak that you couldn't climb up to your cozy house anymore and I had to bring the house down.
And every morning, I hold my breath to shake the cage a little to check whether you were alive and each time you moved, I felt relief.
I remember when you were still young two years ago and I chose you and Crunchy out of a few others cos you two were best friends. I remember when you still had so much energy and would eat so much nuts.
I will always love and remember you, Munchy.
I feel awful and my heart is breaking.
I've been taking it out on everyone and flowers from my favourite people did cheer me up. I'm sorry & thanks for putting up with my shit.
"Baby, can do you me a favour?" "Yeah, why?" "Please say yes to this" "Yes, anything for you darling." "I'm a bit embarrassed to ask for this favour" *Heart feeling itchy already* "Yeah go ahead"
"If it's not too much to ask, could you love me forever?"
I wonder if you feel the awkward silence that I feel. I wonder if your mind races for something to say, something so insignificant that it doesn't bring the past up, and make the space between us colder. I wonder if you think of all the great times we shared when you look at me. I wonder if one day, we could be like that again. I wonder if you miss me sometimes, cos I do so much, so much so that I cant look you in the eye. I wonder if you feel sad just looking at me. I wonder if you'll ever read this.
I wonder if you even feel any of these, Cause I do. I wonder if I can take it if you say you feel nothing at all.
I miss you, y'know? I've never gotten over it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I feel like slipping into depression and darkness & never have to wake up to face the fucking world.
Been crying for the what, 8th time today?
Yes, I'm weak. But so much more afraid.
P.S I'm sorry to everyone I've snapped at or ignored. I wasn't feeling me.
I think right, only you can feel how I feel at times. This feeling, I have no idea how to express, and then I think I'm weird. But now I see you feel that too.
Sometimes, I feel right to bury myself in misery and sadness.
How crazy (& stupid) is that. I thought I was the only one in this world.
School's mad. My hate for it never went down one bit.
P.S I feel suffocated bcos of the haze, it doesn't feel good.
Sometimes, all I want to do is for everyone to know that I am running out of time with the person who makes me the happiest girl, who gives all the love & joy I need in the world.
This feeling is not the best feeling at all. NOT. AT. ALL.
I want them to know I fight battles everyday with myself, with my worst fears in a few months. Everyone tells me I'm so strong and and it's amazing how I do it. But even the strongest warriors fall and I still need all the love and care I can get.
Dont stray away just because you think I can take it cos I'm breaking each and everyday. The pain is raw and you don't see how it tears me apart. Even when I don't show, don't forget I still feel.
It's amazing right, how you think perhaps you're really doing better and you can finally see yourself free from all these. And in an instant, you're back to square one, battling with your mind and heart and in a huge dilemma once again.
Everything changes, so fast. But what will never change is that we'll still be backing you up in everything you do. I have to admit I was a tad disappointed, but I was so much more worried for you. That you'll spend your nights crying and teary in school.
You're strong dear, these two months you were the strongest.
I've expected him to come back somehow, I told you before & yes he really did. Kinda blame R for this but oh well. I know you'll make unwise decisions because I've been in your shoes before. All my friends were extremely against it but I still believed and made stupid choices. Proved that friends were so right and I was left to pick up the pieces but you know what, at least I had no regrets for not trying.
Who are we to judge what you do is right/wrong? We love you and just do anything that makes you happy cos you'll never know. And even if you fall, everyone who loves you especially me, will be there to catch you.
The hurt, I think, feels better than a lifetime of regrets and what-ifs. I love you Amanda, the most bubbly, giving and beautiful girl I've ever known.
I know you're going to see this and I hope you clearly get my point. I can't believe I wasted like, half an hour talking to you nicely last night, about one hour pursuading you to call, and believing you and your false promises.
I see it now. You'll never change. And I dont give a shit anymore about you so please don't ever talk to me again.
If you have the least bit of conscience and somewhere in your heart, I still matter, then make something work in your life at the very least. If not, I'm perfectly fine with you fucking up everything, really.
Feel so stupid for ever feeling concerned about you, you don't deserve it. You need to wake up bcos everyone don't deserve to have their efforts wasted on you.
Everyone who is not going to school, please don't talk to me cos I'm going through the first hour of a week of hell in school right now.
School makes me awfully sad really. I decided that I have the worst hair in the universe this morning and pinned everything up. It's so irritating that my fringe is too long to be left down, too short (several strands) to be pinned up.
Okay weekends was FAB. Except that I have a hugeugly pimple below my nose, argh.
Tried the new Cheesy Bacon Burger in Carls Junior & IT IS SEX IN YOUR MOUTH, LITERALLY. Caught Going the Distance, it was so-so.
Sunday was good cos I wasn't kicked out of dance and allowed to take exams coming in two months. I haven't danced in forever.
Something special around my neck now makes me feel on the top of the world.
I feel empty and I've walked around the house aimlessly at least a million times.
I hate this feeling. I hate feeling weak. I wish there was something you could do, or maybe I could do, to make everything easier for me.
I want to tell everyone I'm so fucking scared of the future, that I might not make through J1 this year, that I can't live saying goodbye to you in January, that I'm not happy with myself at all, that I am not strong enough.
The only thing that is making me happy is studying with Amanda @ the airport tomorrow.
The thing about friends is really weird. It takes you a really long while, with crazy amounts of obstacles along the way and a hell lot of distancing, to find out who really cares.
& sometimes, the truth hurts.
Just deleted an entire long paragragh, I dont even know why.
The main thing is, I have the guts to say I've never ever done anything to harm you, girl.
For the ten people I'm thinking about right now, It could be you.
1. D: You're really so sweet at times & sometimes I can't help but feel so guilty for disappointing you.
2. Z: I've always loved you as a great friend and I miss all the times we used to have but they seem so far now. I feel like you dislike me but that's okay cos I know you're real nice. I just wished you liked and cherished me.
3. B: Needless to say, you're sensational, fabulous, sweet, charming, crazy, lovely and everything nice.
4. S: You're so fucking far from me now and I guess it's payback cos I neglected you these months. I hope you miss me still.
5. X: Sometimes I still miss everything about us and I wish you were here. I wish I took back some of the things I said and did and gave you more. I know you dont miss me, but at least, I do.
6. R: I wonder how you are.
7. A: You are the most beautiful person on the Planet and only the luckiest guys deserve you. I really hope you channel your misery into strength.
8. B: I absofuckinglutely hate you. Period.
9. S: I know I'm the worst friend ever, let's finally meet up soon!
Never in a million yearsn did I think I'd find someone so utterly and completely perfect, someone who would make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be, someone that would touch my life so profoundly and just give me a whole new reason to breathe.
But then I found you and realised that everything I anticipated you to be, doesn't even compare to what you are.
I feel so lousy today. Every single day is ugly because of school, but I guess today is one of those days that my moods get the better of me and I just want to sleep it off to forget everything. Cos, 1. Amanda wasn't in school today to accompany me. 2. I have fucking CWO tomorrow. 3. I suck at Touch Rugby and I have a you-are-good-for-nothing feeling. 4. I got fucked by a random math teacher and have to finish A HELL LOT of tutorials within 6 days. 5. Phototaking tomorrow and I look like black chicken. 6. I am still fat. 7. I hate myself.
Okay I feel myself getting whiny again. Looking forward to meeting my favourite friend tomorrow :>>>>>>
"I swear the best thing is listening to someone's heartbeat and knowing it's beating like that just because of you"
I remember that night when I was very nearly hit by a car and for a moment it's like you couldn't think but only feel a rush of emotions. Fifteen minutes later, You're still a little dazed and I leaned in, to hear your heart still racing.
I'm down with every possible illness a person could have. And it's killing me once again.
B said I have an immune system of an AIDS patient, I suppose that's quite true? It's been the 30th time I've fallen sick this year, I think. And Kellett, bloody Kellett, never fails to seize any opportunity to put me down and find some kind of trouble with me. I'm fucking sick, not skipping school as when I want to anymore.
I know, more rants. I am so resisting the urge to throw all my books out of the window and snuggle in bed forever. Yes, that's what I want.
But no, I have a whole year's syllabus to catch up in one month. I need to buck up and my best motivation is that I can leave hell asap.
You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together.
I havent been feeling good these days. Is everyone's life pleasures, to irritate me?
Blacks Fun Touch is my first ever sports tournament bcos I've been dancing my whole life and I've got to say, I'm lovin' it! Kinda disappointed with my butter fingers but my team got Second in the entire Under 18s category so YAYYYYYY.
Lunch was good and everything's looking up for now except that I have a sprained thumb which freaking hurtssssssssssssssssssss.
School tomorrow and that really sucks.
B: I'm not perfect but I'll keep trying cos that's what I said I would do from the start. You know I love you.
Please dont judge me from all my whining, I know I complain too much but It's the only way I feel better.
Today was one of the worst days of the year. I all but forced smiles at school. I felt it the moment I woke up, uneasy & so upset with everything.
I thought the day would get better but no. It was nice that everyone was trying to get me to talk and was so sweet about it, so I cheered up a little.
I hate school, for the millionth time. I hate that when I put in effort to come to school and be on time, the stupid system had to put me down. They say dont and never try to beat the system, but y'know what. The system sucks.
I did average for midyears, and in some cases even better than those who seems to be studying so hard. No, I'm not saying I'm smart. I'm trying to say I know what I'm doing.
I hate that every single parent around me seems to be awesome and understanding. My parents are nice, but I want more than that. I want you to know me, and understand me. Do you know I'm so sick and tired of school? No. Do you know how unhappy I am in school? No. Do you know I hate myself for everything I cannot do well in? No. Do you care? No, absolutely not.
I'm drained. & tired.
I'm afraid to tell you anything, Mom and Dad. Cos you'll never listen. You'd be way too eager to tell me what you think, What you think is 'morally' right, What I must do and there's no leeway. You feel that you're doing your job as long as you make sure we're studying and well-fed.
I hope you know that I'm supposed to enjoy my years growing up, that I shouldnt be afraid to tell you anything, that I can tell you I'm feeling awful and I want to give school a miss, that I'm supposed to be happy. Just that I'm not.
All you care is the two princes in the house, though they have never ever done better than me in any exam or any acheivements. Yet you still choose to doubt me, and believe that they're worth so much more.
Home should be a heaven, my escape from a tough day at school. But I hate coming home, not bcos I prefer my friends to you, but bcos with my friends, I seem to matter. At home, I'm nothing more than your son's tutor. I get fucked for his poor results, his shortcomings. I grew up without anyone watching over me, and he's your responsibilty. I have done more than enough as a sister, why am I even obliged to look after your boy?
I have so much on my mind now that I feel like I'm going to burst. I want to sleep for the longest time ever.
I'm Worried. I'm Angry. And I'm Unhappy. I guess I really need a long cry.
Inception was reallyyyy good. I was literally trembling in my seat (partly due to the cold) but mostly excitement.
Pretty confusing show but you get the gist after awhile. 5 STARS WITHOUT A DOUBT, EVERYONE PLEASE WATCH IT.
A level oral was %#^($#&(*&!@ but I am extremely pleased that it will be the last chinese oral of my life :>
There is so much on my mind: my poor results, my overthetop parents, Kellett(_|_), birthdays, decisions on whether to do SATs, study local or overseas universities, Blacks fun touch etc.
Today wasnt good at all. In fact, every single day in school is a nightmare. Y'know how some people make fleeting statements bout how hate their schools once in a while? Believe me when I tell you this: I REALLY REALLY HATE MY SCHOOL, PERIOD.
Everyone says give it some time, that I'll slowly adapt into a new enviroment blahblah. To hell with it, 6 months into JC and I still hate it as much as the first day of school.
I used to dislike Xinmin, but deep down, I enjoyed every single day of school. Every day was fresh and different. I absoulutely loved my class, my friends and most of the teachers.
I think anyone can tell by now that I'm a person who hates changes. I still cannot accept that Jaycee is NOTHING like my secondary school.
JC life is nothing but mundane. School is a freaking routine, I dont know what I'm not doing the same every fucking day. Teachers are extreme bitches except one or two (how pathetic is that) and I dont like anyone there except for a bunchful.
I still wake up every morning fighting to resist any excuse not to come to school, not because I'm lazy or unwilling to learn, but because its boring and a plain waste of my time.
Oh and I'm still in awe that lecturers consider reading out handouts as lectures. For one whole hour, they do not add or take away a single word from the study notes we have. I feel like I'm back in Kindergarden attending reading session, do they not get the point that we can actually can read word for word ourselves and do not need them to repeat EXACTLY what's on the paper?
So please agree with me that it's a waste of time or is it me just going insane?
I know that the school is not obliged to make life enjoyable nor do they give a fuck about me. But I just need to get this out of my chest, cos everyday in school feels like I've been stabbed a thousand times.
I've never dreaded anything more.
The worst part is there is absoulutely nothing I can do but just suck it up and continue going to this dead school until it drives me crazier.
Math was so HORRIBLE. I only managed a 3 marks question which I had a hundred thousand plus digit answer (probably incorrect) and the rest of the paper were spaces left for corrections.
The other papers were not good as well. I am officially screwed. Last minute studying does not work in Jaycee, period.
I get sour happy on nights you're having fun clubbing and dancing, while I'm stuck with books and exams on my mind. Dead jealous at the opportunity of a break whenever you need one.
I get dreadful happy when I know you're off chasing your dreams so far away from me & living a wonderful fresh experience while I'm left behind still trying to figure out my future that lies ahead.
No I aint complaining, just drifting into thoughts, thinking deeper. You're still the one that I'll never regret :)
Stings right where it hurts most when I know I'm the fattest person on the planet, my close friend admits to me that I've indeed gained weight, and back to a shitload of self-criticism.
I have been crankiest and craziest bitch these days but B takes all of it silently.
M, I really dislike you at times, as much as you dislike me. I was having a great day and all it takes is one sentence from you to make my blood boil and upset me so much. I wish you could go back to just leaving me alone, I really need that.
Please dont blame me if I shout at you, You've just ruined my day and everything is getting on my nerves now.
To you: If I hadnt blogged about me, I probably wouldnt have heard from you in another 10 years or so. Now, all of a sudden, you're calling and sympathising me in my situation, asking me out and feeling worried for me. I dont know why you're doing this or feel like you need to do this, but no this is not the kind of friends I need in my life. Lay off, thanks for the 'love'.
I need my friends to make me feel sane again, you know who y'all are! ( S, S, A, B and A) <3
Ever had someone that instantly lifts up your mood no matter how bad your day went? Or someone who you call at any time of the day, even at 3 in the morning, just to tell him this dream you had and he listens and soothes you at the same time? Someone who you know belongs and will stay by you through ups and downs, fight and make up within half hour, buys you everything that makes you happy.
I found that someone. I have never wanted something this badly, never held on to something this tightly.
But life happens and nothing ever really turn out the way you want them to. No fairytale endings, no miracles, nothing like that.
Life greedily takes my most precious boy away in 6 months, for 4 years. Without fail, I pray every night that things would never come to this, that you'll be around. So there was always this small hope that a tiny miracle would come by.
Reality smacked me right in the face today. What kills me is that I cannot do anything but watch you walk away.
I've lost enough best friends and loved ones but I guess it goes on.
I'll wait for you as long as it takes and I'll fight so hard to keep this alive although we're thousand miles apart.
Just back from work at IT fair & and I am drained, extremely. Work was killing me inside out, having to bear with lousy techno music to a new boss to fucktards with poor attitudes.
I'm glad it's finally over.
B has been really sweet to fetch me from work with treats and its such a long journey so thank you baby. I have been doing nothing but eating A LOT of food. Had Sunset Grill and Timbre with B and his friends and everything was awesome, especially Timbre.
Amanda and Shaun, I cannot wait to bring you thereeeeeeee!
Need to catch on a hell lot of work before the holidays end and it seems pretty scary. I am practically starting from square one (first chapter on every subject).
I know.*stabs myself*
Okay I need help, loads of it. But first, I need to shed all my kilos. Babyboy look what you've done, please stop feeding me fat kay :(
Many tell me I look so independant and strong, that they'll never live to see me cry. That is the BIGGEST mistake.
I am such an insecure and paranoid person, and I tear at the littlest things in the world.
Whenever you're not with me, I cannot help but fear that one day you'll slip through my fingers, that you'll stop looking at me, holding me and kissing me the way you do now. I'm afraid for that one day, that everything good in my life will come to a standstill.
Because I dont think I can take it.
Because I've never loved anyone more than I love you now.
I used to feel so bad and awful inside for everything that went wrong with us. Swear to God, it was unintended & you know it. I hoped so much for you, for everything to go right and good, to live life even better cos you deserve so much more. I've asked every possible person to look out for you, so someone still cares when I'm not around.
I still remember what was real and good, and I hope you remember the real me though I seem like a total bitch now. You know my heart broke when I begged you to remain friends but you couldnt live with that. And I've moved on and I wished you did too, so there was always this hope that someday we'll still be friends again.
But everything I hoped for you, everything, is gone and over. Now that you've gone to the extremes and drew a clear cut between us. I don't know why but that was a wrong move my friend.
Its been so long since I updated and life has just been nothing much but a whirl. School, bed, touch training, friends and B.
But life has been better cos I've found a new happiness, a sunshine to light me up during the darkest days. & I thank God for that, for you.
In lala land still and I swear I know how I'm faring in studies but the thought of picking myself up drains me, like I really dont know where to start. Working on PW only recently cos I never want to pull my group mates down.
I feel like I'm drifting from friends I love so much like A and S and I feel so bad cos I'm not there when they need me most or I dont know what to say to put a smile on their faces. I never was a great friend but I'll try harder.
Other than B, life is pretty much a mess and I've only found Amanda who relates to 'Put it all behind and sleep forever'. No I am not suicidal, it's not that. But I'll be back on track after the June hols, just watch and see.
You don’t just automatically love someone. you have to slowly learn to trust, then you start believing them. You want to be with them more to the point where you’re jealous of anyone who tries to be with that person. Then it gets you mad but you get past it, you can’t be jealous anymore. You can’t because you have this undying confidence that this person will never leave you, they will never betray you, and that they would never pick someone else over you, that you’re irreplaceable. That’s when the confidence hits you, that you really do love each other and it’s unbreakable.
The weather is killing me everyday, JC torments me everyday, I get irritated by * in school everyday, I feel fatter everyday, I want to stay home everyday.
Yesterday was awesome food, awesome scenery, awesome time with B at House @ Demsey Hill. EVERYONE SHOULD GO THERE AND TRY IT SOME TIME. Everything is fantastic there!
I think its a whites hang out cos there were alot of ang mohs there and they are the most gorgeous people in Singapore. The ambiance is perfect.
I dont know why but the menu is quite erotic with deep sea threesome etc. And its funny cos B made a fool out of himself when he said to the waiter 'Can I have a one metre long sausage?' Really epic!
The one metre long sausage.
B had Lobster Linguine. (Y)
And I had this American something, I forgot what's its called. But it's gooood!
And they had quotes all around the toilet, this is one of them. Gents are called cockledoole and ladies are called pussycat there. I love the concept of the restaurant.
B wants me to say that the Mohito(?) [some alcoholic mint drink] sucks but I thought it was fine :) Will be going there to try out everything! Everyone should too!