Today, I lost Munchy.

Munchy, I knew your days were numbered bcos you fell ill. You grew so thin and frail. But, I prayed every night that you'll get better.
Only you didn't. Your white coat of fur shed so much till I could see your pink body.
Your legs were so weak that you couldn't climb up to your cozy house anymore and I had to bring the house down.
And every morning, I hold my breath to shake the cage a little to check whether you were alive and each time you moved, I felt relief.
I remember when you were still young two years ago and I chose you and Crunchy out of a few others cos you two were best friends.
I remember when you still had so much energy and would eat so much nuts.
I will always love and remember you, Munchy.

I feel awful and my heart is breaking.
I've been taking it out on everyone and flowers from my favourite people did cheer me up.
I'm sorry & thanks for putting up with my shit.
p.s: I never, ever want to see you again.
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