Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wild one

I am recently in a bout of undermining myself and feeling extremely inferior.
I mean, I've always felt that, especially when I see slim and beautiful girls but even more so recently.

There is actually A LOT of pretty girls in Singapore. ( I didn't think so before )
Always at town, I spot at least twenty a day and that is just from Orchard to Dhoby.
I will be tugging at whoever's with me that day and like " EH LOOK SHE DAMN PRETTY"

And I am more obsessed with pretty girls than good looking boys.
I may be weird.

Just a continuous flow of thoughts like 'I wish I had her legs', 'I wish I had her eyes', 'I wish I can smile like that', 'I wish I can fit into that dress she wears'.
Damn damn damn.

Been watching Gordon Ramsey's shows A LOT at the expense of studying.
He's one of my favourite men heehee.

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