Supposed to study at Starbucks but we ended up watching Cars 2. It was a bit wishywashy at some parts where I nearly fell asleep, but I never really liked animated movies either.
Looooonggg weekend, love it!
Fingers crossed that Tan Jee Say will never be president.
I don't think I want to give birth, ever.
Had such a rough week, people screwing up around me, me screwing things up. When life throws you off, it really is quite a shove isin't it?
Sometimes I wonder if expecting the basic is too much from people.
I think I'll never fit in.
by the way, you're sick and ugly inside & you know it. Please stop talking to me.
If I straighten my hair, I think it's almost reaching my ass. I need a new perm, my curls are fading.
- Test on Differienciation & Application
- Extension of Cold war test
- Literature Research Essay
- Pecha Kucha presentation
- GP research paper
- Economics SRJC Case study
- Match with ACSI and TJC
That's all I can recall.
Spare me, I've only got 48 hours.
So needed the near week long break!
Been trying to complete my stupid Pecha Kucha, having great dinner with friends & just caught the Rise of the Apes recently. Waiting for my Pizzahut delivery to arrive now as I watch the parade.
Me in the band room for the first time! I'm learning to play wonderwall on the guitar.
Very hungryzx
It's an amazing feeling to be inside my warm snuggly room while it's pouring madly outside.
For a start, I did pretty okay for my MYE. I mean, if I don't after studying the same syllabus for 18months, I'll admit that I'm the dumbest shit & leave JC.
Been such a draining two weeks and I know it cos every chance/minute I have to catch some sleep, I would be, on the sofa.
School's just going to get tougher and I have 54 days left.
I'll never stop believing this.